Monday, November 24, 2014

Western Wins

I had a great weekend up at my buddies place in Mount Pleasant. Going to the game was awesome, especially watching Western beat up on the Chips. It was good getting to see a lot of people that I do not get to see that often. They all gave me a lot of crap for going to Western, but at the end of the day I got the last laugh because we beat them. They had excuses after excuses, they just did not want to admit that my school is better and that we eat Chips for breakfast. I am glad we still all got along though, we had a great time tailgating and watching the game.

Research Paper

Even though I was not in class on friday, I got a good review on my research paper so far. Jake gave me some good tips on what to fix and how to make my argument even stronger. I think it is always good to have someone else read your paper and give their opinion on what they thought was really good and what you need to fix. It makes writing papers a lot easier, and also helps to improve your grade with the final draft. I think that when I make the revisions and focus on the parts I could make stronger, my paper will be far better than it is now.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Western VS Central

I am excited for this coming weekend when Western plays at Central. I am going up to Central with a few of my buddies to hangout and go to the game. A lot of people from my home town go to Central so it will be nice to get together with a few of them since I haven't seen them in a long time. It is always good to get together with some friends and bond. There will be a lot of talking going back and forth about the game though so hopefully no one decides to start fighting about it haha. I have never been to a Western VS Central game so it should be fun and interesting to say the least!

Monday, November 17, 2014


Learning about the different kind of plays and there means was very interesting to me. We all seemed to find the meaning of each one that we looked at besides one. Sometimes they have a message hidden deep inside of what is really going on. Also, learning about how to write our research papers is going to help me out a lot. It makes it easier to write when we know what the format should be and what to include in it. I need to work on making sure that I include all the information in my annotated bibliography so that I have a good argument to put up for my case.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


I am excited to finally get a break here in the next couple of weeks. School has been stressful this whole time and it will be such a relief to be able to kick back and relax with family for a few days. Not having to worry about homework is the best feeling. I am excited to see some family that I haven't seen in a few months. Thanksgiving at my grandparents is always the best because they have so much food and we all get to spend time together and bond for a little while. It will also be nice to get a few home cooked meals, the cafe food is starting to wear on me so I need a change from that. And the fact that when we come back we only have a couple weeks until winter break that is getting me through these last weeks of school.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Class Activity

The class activity of deciding what people to keep and what people not to keep was pretty interesting. We had to look at each person and identify if they had any strengths and if they would be a good person to keep. It was tough on some of them and pretty easy on the others. Coming together as a class and picking the 7 to keep and the 5 to get rid of made me realize that we had a lot of similar picks. We disagreed on a few but for the most part we all had the same people to keep. We analyzed each person and as a group finally agreed as a group.

Friday, November 7, 2014


This week has been by far the most stressful week of school. I have had way more to do then I could have ever imagined. It put me in a bad mood for most of the week but I found a way to get through it and get all of it done. So far in college I have learned to manage my time wisely in able to get everything done that needs to be. No one said college was going to be easy and if someone did they would be lying. I am hoping the next couple weeks slow down a little bit but I am not going to get my hopes up because I already know that I have two exams next week. I will find a way to get through it all though, I have done a pretty good job so far.