Thursday, October 30, 2014

Going Home

This weekend I am going home to see some friends and family that I haven't seen in a while. It has me pretty excited right now because I need a get away from school and everything. It will be a nice relaxing weekend, in which I need for sure. Saturday is going to be surprise birthday party for my older brother which should be a lot of fun. I will see a lot of people there to that I haven't seen in a while. And the fact that it is like the best time of the year to hunt will be nice too. I haven't been in the woods in a while so that will be a good way to relieve some stress and be able to get some alone time. So this weekend should be a lot of fun and well worth going home, even though all my friends are giving my crap for leaving halloween weekend.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Analytical Papers

I thought that it was interesting how we broke up into small groups and each came up with themes for each others papers. I think this helped me realize that I did not need to be so broad when trying to talk about a topic. It helped me narrow it down to a couple themes that I can talk about in my paper and analyze it. Some of us had the problem with being to broad and we usually ended up just summarizing the whole story, movie, or song. This activity helped me to better understand the point of what a analytical paper is supposed to be about and what it contains.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Fall Ball Is Over

Now that fall ball is over, I finally have some extra time on my hands to do whatever I want. It is so nice knowing that I can relax after class. I am not struggling to get all of my assignments done on time, I can take some time to myself now. We still have four player workouts but they are usually only for about a half hour so that isn't to bad. At first I did not know what to do with my time because I was so used to being rushed and making sure that I was doing all my school work and making it to practice on time. Now I have more time to study, take more time on my homework, and I think that this will improve my grades as well.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

A Rose For Emily

This was my favorite read for the past week. I was very engaged in the story the whole time. I have always liked creepy stories, thats about the only kinds of stories that I really like to read. I really liked the way the author described how that Emily was this normal woman at first but then she becomes crazy and turns out to be a freak, and the fact that her family has a history of becoming crazy in life. I thought it was kind of an open ended ending because you could interpret the story in different ways depending on the person. I personally thought she killed the man because she was annoying with him trying to start a business around her house but thats just my opinion.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Brown and Gold Games

This weekend wraps up the end of our fall ball season for baseball. It has been something that I will remember for a very long time. It has been stressful and amazing all at the same time. I'm excited to end this fall playing two more games and showing what we have accomplished as a team. These a legit 9 inning games, we broke up the whole team and made two teams to compete against each other. We play a three game series, which we have already played one but the final two are this weekend. All of our parents and family are invited to come watch and there will be a dinner after the game on Saturday. I couldn't think of a better way to end this with having our parents get to come see how we have grown and matured as a team thus far.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Blurred Lines

On Friday we learned more on how to analyze songs and other works. We broke down the song "Blurred Lines" and found the real meaning of it. I found it interesting the way that the artist described a situation without having to say a whole lot. I finally understood the meaning once we broke down the lyrics and analyzed important parts of the song. I still need to take more time breaking down writings and songs to get the full meaning of them. I tend to overlook a lot of important information and thats why I get different interpretations of what the true meaning or message is of the work.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Looking deeper into Carrie and Music

This week we learned how to look deeper into the movie Carrie. We learned about the themes and the how the movie presented them and what the point of them were. Example: My group talked about the theme of innocence vs sin, and how the movie presented that. We learned how both of them can relate to each other, like Carrie was an innocent girl for the most part but her mother though she was a sinner. It was interesting to see how they intertwine with one another. I also found that dissecting the songs was interesting, it made me see the meaning on the lyrics and the messages that were coming across to me. For next week, I need to learn how to analyze information a little better to understand the main points/messages a movie or song is trying to present.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Bow Season

Wednesday was the first day of deer season here in Michigan. I have always been big into deer hunting from the first time my dad took me out into the woods. He never was really big into bow hunting though, I picked up on that myself. There is no greater challenge then getting a mature deer close enough to kill with a bow. It is an indescribable feeling I get when I have a big buck standing at thirty yards. My adrenaline is going crazy and it is the best feeling. Bow hunting takes so much practice, you have to spend hours going out and sightting it in. Now a days you need to have a newer bow to increase your chances of having a successful hunt. But this weekend is the first time I will be able to go out and hunt. Its been in my head all week and I'm very anxious to get out in the stand. I have always been an addict when it comes to hunting, it's a passion that I will always have and I wouldn't have it any other way.