Monday, September 29, 2014

Carrie Movie/ Paper

What I found interesting in the movie was all of the themes the movie had. Taking notes made me look deeper into the movie and see what different themes occurred. It also made me realize how often they would reoccur. I think taking notes on a movie gives you a better outlook on the movie as a whole. Trading papers and reading "unknown" ones was fun because we got to try and figure out who the person was by the way they would write. It was difficult for me because my person didn't really reveal themselves that much. But it made you go deeper into the paper and look for the little things to figure out who the writer was. This was fun because it really does show you what kind of a writer you are and how they explain themselves throughout a paper even when they don't come out and say who they are.

1 comment:

  1. Tanner I would have to agree with your comment about all of the themes that are present in the movie. I do believe that one of the biggest themes that is present is the idea of revenge. Throughout the movie it seems that every character is looking to get revenge on one another for something bad that they have done to them. In the end it ultimately leads to Carrie burning down the school and harming many innocent people but I felt that in the end the movie did make a good point. The movie made the point that people should treat others the way that they want to be treated because Karma does in fact exist.
